Customer Testimonials

I had only knit one baby blanket in the last nearly 30 years. I remembered loving to knit and being part of a knitting community through a local yarn store when I lived in the western suburbs long ago. And then, suddenly, there was Miss Purl! I hadn’t realized how much I was ready to dive back into yarn selection and choosing patterns! I also had not realized how much knitting knowledge I had completely forgotten! It all seemed a bit of a foreign language. But Kamaca was there to guide and help me. One of the best parts of Miss Purl is going over to the store and sitting and knitting for a couple of hours, talking to other knitters and getting help if needed to get past a difficult section. I have been to one of the evening seminars and found it both fascinating and inspirational to see what others are knitting (this was about socks) and to realize how far I could take my knitting skills!  Having Miss Purl in my life gives my creative urges an outlet and along with the welcoming social scene at the store, has been a real boon to my quality of life!!

Aqui es un hogar para los que buscan su rincón en las artes de tejidos y estambres para los residentes del sur de Chicago y sus alrededores. La dueña Kamaca y su esposo tienen un espacio que aceptan de todos niveles en tejer y crochet. Si gustas iniciar, colaborar, crecer, o innovar tu próximo proyecto aquí estarás bienvenido.
Google review

This place has quickly become a safe space and a second home to me. It is run by such a warm soul who is passionate about the fiber arts and is not afraid to bring out the best in others no matter the skill level.
Google review